Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well folks the holiday's are just around the corner and feasting shall begin soon. Baking Bread is in its prime season, the holiday's so I have been having some deals on my website for this special time of year.

The website has changed since the begining and it is more cheerful at least that is what everyone else has been telling me. Well check out for those yummy deals on the cinnamon rolls and gift basket. Remember that my products are egg free and no preservatives Yea!!! Happy early holidays!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I am proud to say that I was asked to be a member of the National Association of Professional & executive; women. This is an organization where you have to be nominated in and invited. I am so honored and will work even harder to make sure that Baking Bread LLC is a major sucess!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Farmers Market

I am so happy that the farmers market at the National Harbor has accepted me into their farmers market. I have been getting myself ready for my first farmers market on saturday, it has been a while since my car accident last year. I am getting myself together and gearing mentally and physically for it. If anyone who lives in the DC, VA, MD area please come by the National Harbor market in MD where the Gaylord is off of American way street. They have some great vendors there from 10am-3pm.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Celebrating two years with Baking Bread LLC

I am proud to have survived as a new business owner with my in home baking business. With in the two years I have had a lot experiences that have been interesting. I would not trade any of it because it has made me grow as a small business owner. I admit I have more growing to do and a lot to learn. I have had a lot of great customers who have given me great feed back on my products and I am very grateful. I am now trying to take Baking Bread LLC to another level and grow the business while I still work full time, and be a mother to two children and a wife. I have so much respect for mothers who are business owners, it is very tough. Baking Bread LLC is going big places and I have big plans to grow a brand that gives everyone a taste of home.